“As patient needs and expectations change, it’s important sexual health services like ours keep pace. Partnering with Inform Health helps us to operate efficiently and ensure patient access, experience and health outcomes remain at the heart of all we do.”
— David Morris, Sexual Health Outreach Worker, Cumbria Sexual Health Service
“The agility of this testing development would not have been possible were it not for the existing sophisticated yet user-friendly design architecture of the Inform system and the support from the people behind the products at Inform, who continuously go above and beyond to support the needs of our staff and patients.”
— Dr Ruth Taylor, Head of Sexual Health Services, Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust
"Inform have worked brilliantly with Provide. They have supported with provision of timely and competent technical support, but also have gone the extra mile to help us meet the challenges of our new integrated service…”
— Andrew Brown, Head of Knowledge Management, Provide CIC
“Inform understand the requirements of a sexual health service. The training we have received from Inform has been comprehensive and easy to follow…
…making an appointment is quick and simple - so much better than our previous EPR”
— Helen Musker, Team Leader, Sexual Health Services, Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
“So far I'm very impressed with Inform, it is a clinician centred software which provides a single screen overview of all relevant patient data, interfaces well with Pathology systems, consolidates all data for timely HARS submissions and for local commissioning and performance monitoring. It clearly has great potential to improve safety and efficiency in patient care.”
— Selvavelu Samraj, Consultant in GUM and HIV, Solent NHS Trust