Health Information System for HIV
Inform HIV brings together in one system, the tools required to support delivery of a modern HIV service. Inform HIV provides services with everything they need to go from fulfilling business critical data returns and electronic patient records, to technology for HIV patients and technology to support MDT meetings for HIV.
We are passionate about unlocking the benefits technology has to offer HIV services. The team at Inform Heath strive to support the delivery of HIV care services through its software products, designed for both healthcare professionals and the patients they care for.
Made for the whole team
Prompt assessment, management of new diagnoses and holistic care. Inform HIV provides tools for the whole team, in order to support the care of newly diagnosed patients. From details of diagnosis to risk assessments, care planning to wider social support for patients.
Inform HIV provides an electronic patient health record designed for the whole team involved in HIV care. Consultants, Clinical Nurse Specialists and Health Advisers have the tools they need to document their care within a single electronic patient record.
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