Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust’s Integrated Sexual Health Services go live with Inform Health
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust’s (KCHFT) Integrated Sexual Health Services has implemented a new Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system, marking the service’s first step on its digital transformation journey with specialist sexual health and HIV software provider, Inform Health.
Despite an ambitious three-month timeline for procurement, configuration, user acceptance testing, and training, the go-live was delivered successfully in mid-April. Since then, the new clinic-based system is already helping to ‘transform daily operations’ for the service; supporting best clinical practice, improved patient access, increased efficiency, and enhanced visibility over performance, which will enable data-led targeting of future provision.
Leah Elliott, Clinical Services Manager at KCHFT’s Integrated Sexual Health Services attributes the success of the project to the people involved:
Nicky Reynolds, IT Project Manager for Sexual Health at KCHFT agrees:
Now live with Inform Health’s EPR system, KCHFT Sexual Health Services are already busy planning phase two of the digital transformation journey with Inform Health. Scheduled for later this year, the introduction of a tailored, patient-facing Personal Health Record (PHR) is set to deliver more benefits for patients and the service alike.
Once live, the PHR will empower KCHFT’s patients to create a secure profile on the service’s PHR platform; search for, book, cancel, and amend appointments quickly and easily online; and be intelligently triaged to the most appropriate appointment or communication. Further future enhancement possibilities also include automated STI results notification, secure direct messaging, self-managed anonymous partner notification, and a healthcare partner module.
Commenting on the partnership with KCHFT Integrated Sexual Health Services, Inform Health’s Commercial Director, Sue Bunn, said: